Embark on a transformative health adventure with LifeSHIP™, where your wellness journey is charted for success.

LifeSHIP LAUNCHTM is our signature offering at Vessel Health

‍It brings together all of what we value: comprehensive cardiovascular care with an individualized, whole-health approach.

Many of us try our best to stay healthy and fit, but still have nagging questions…

How healthy am I really?

Can I overcome my family history?

What steps can I take now to lay the foundation for good health and vitality in the years to come?

In our LAUNCHTM program, we can help you answer those questions, and set you on a course for your own best health. The program includes:A detailed review of your personal and family medical history;A series of advanced lab  tests and cardiovascular tests to comprehensively assess your current cardiovascular health;Personalized meetings with our medical director  and our nutrition expert to discuss your medical history, specific challenges and risks identified, and proposed solutions for each of these; andAn individualized plan for moving forward and addressing any concerns identified in the assessment.

Most important of all, you will have the peace of mind that comes from knowing you are addressing your concerns and taking action with our knowledgeable and caring team to guide you every step of the way.

Personalized Health Evaluation and Action Plan

LAUNCH™ includes a detailed review of your personal and family medical history, advanced lab and cardiovascular tests, and personalized consultations with our medical director and nutrition expert. You'll receive an individualized action plan to address identified health concerns, ensuring peace of mind and proactive steps towards long-term vitality.

Personalized Health Coaching

Our LAUNCH™ program embodies our commitment to comprehensive cardiovascular care through an individualized, whole-health approach. Many strive to stay healthy but often wonder, "How healthy am I really?" or "Can I overcome my family history?" Our program helps answer these crucial questions and guides you toward optimal health.

LifeSHIP™ Health Programs

LifeSHIPTM Health Programs, built on a platform of cardiovascular wellness, are a fleet of health offerings designed to take an individual from a vague level of concern, through clarity of health risk, on to a voyage of optimal health. Recognizing that health is an individual challenge, the LifeSHIPTM Programs are centered on a “doable” philosophy. The results include enhanced personal health and marked strides in self-empowerment affecting all areas in life.

Discover Vessel Health

The cardiovascular system is at the center of our health. It nourishes and impacts each and every other system in our body. The vessels of our circulation carry the very life-force of our being to every part of our body,  the “vessel” that each one of us uses to live, love, and pursue happiness through each day of life. At Vessel Health, we take a comprehensive approach to well-being, focusing on the cardiovascular system. We are committed to optimizing not just the vessels of our circulation, but the “vessels” of our beings. We have developed consultative services, customized programs, and a comprehensive approach to health that will enable you to manage, treat, extend, and improve your life. Vessel Health founder Dr. Harvey White has spent years treating and counseling patients on cardiac issues throughout New Mexico and the Southwest.

Meet Dr. Harvey White

Founder and Executive Director

For the past 35 years, Dr. White has dedicated himself to direct patient care, clinical research initiatives, and leadership activities designed to improve the cardiovascular health care system. Dr. White considers Vessel Health to be the culmination of a career in cardiac medicine. Grounded in extensive training and experience in interventional cardiology (the technique of coronary angioplasty and stent placement), Dr. White has concluded that we, as individuals and as a society, need to enhance our focus on prevention and a proactive approach to circulation and personal wellness. Vessel Health is an expression of that philosophy.

LifeSHIP™ Health Programs

LifeSHIPTM Health Programs, built on a platform of cardiovascular wellness, are a fleet ofhealth offerings designed to take an individual from a vague level of concern, through clarityof health risk, on to a voyage of optimal health. Recognizing that health is an individualchallenge, the LifeSHIPTM Programs are centered on a “doable” philosophy. The resultsinclude enhanced personal health and marked strides in self-empowerment affecting allareas in life.

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